
Belief. It’s a funny word, used in a multitude of different ways.

So when I was invited to a care sector conference, asked to discuss “The Power of Belief”, I had all sorts of things I could say.

After breaking the ice by asking whether the audience believed I was over-dressed (spoiler alert, they did), I got to my main, and most important, point.

You see, you can believe all you want; whatever it is you hope, aspire or aim for won't just materialise because hope is not a strategy for success.

Belief is the dream; the plan. Behaviours are the actions that make it so.

We need belief.

But we also need to foster in ourselves and those around us things that will help bring those beliefs to life: we need determination and persistence.

We need conviction. And it's highly likely we'll need collaboration, too.

If you want what you hope for to translate into reality, the question I’d advise you ask is this one:

"What do I need to do today to see my belief play out?"

What are the tangible things you can see, touch, hear, and do to bring it alive?

As Peter Pan's originator, J.M. Barrie so beautifully put it:

"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it."




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