Leadership Workshop Delivers “the best training we’ve ever had” for Teva UK

Leaders from across the UK assembled for a 2 day intensive leadership workshop

The UK company of global pharmaceutical giant Teva recently approached Jez to help their UK national leadership team of middle and senior grade leaders come together to deliver huge results during a challenging time.

The brief, as they so often are, is confidential, as is much of the exact content of the 2 day workshop Jez tailored for the 70 individuals who met recently in Liverpool. As an aside, a little-known fact is that Jez has signed so many NDNAs with organisations and government agencies, and has so many active confidentiality agreements in place that we have a separate Dropbox account because they amount to so much storage space!

The brief started off in much the same way that many of them do: a talented leadership team that is tired, and struggling to work cohesively, which in turn is impacting their own results and their ability to work efficiently.

“We often underestimate the challenges our leaders face, and the impact their workloads and subtle stressors of their role have on them - more often than not when I’m working with leadership teams, I face a team of people very close to burnout”, Jez says.

“For too long now organisations have focused on leadership systems; strategies and profiling, all the while neglecting the behavioural aspect of leaders, as people, leading people.”

Jez delivered a keynote presentation on the brain science of effective leadership followed by a whole day, and a second half day, of interactive workshops, problem solving, and group collaboration exercises to inspire, reinvigorate, educate, strengthen communication and foster a sense of community among the leadership team, providing them with new and efficacious resources, approaches and ways of thinking.

Contact Jez’s team today to discuss your leadership, culture or behaviour training requirements. Let’s create bigger results together.

Several individuals reflected on the day to Jez directly and with messages into the office following the session, with two people saying it was the best training they had ever been to in over 25 years of corporate training.

Rachel, Regional Sales Manager for Teva UK, wrote: “You absolutely nailed it! You met our brief in ways we didn’t expect and despite everyone feeling a little bumped and bruised, the energy and desire to do something different is palpable.”

If you want to know what Rachel meant by “bumped and bruised”, Jez hasn’t started getting physical in his workshops, but he is sought-after for his effective, evidence-based experience that, while sensitively and professionally delivered, requires individuals and teams to be honest with themselves.

“Time and again clients tell me one of the reasons they engage me is because of my reputation for being able to drill down to the real problems, and help to create effective solutions that deliver results. Sometimes that means looking at the people problems, and being honest with ourselves can be uncomfortable. I’ve worked in healthcare in clinical settings so have a particular set of skills I can draw on to make that sensitive experience feel more comfortable and supportive as together we explore realities. It’s an essential part of growing and being better at what we do.”

The room soon filled with laughter, beach balls, and lively discussion as together we created an exciting and powerful future for a leadership team to inspire and learn from themselves, as well as those in their charge.




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